Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #352

Okay. It’s Tuesday, so it’s time to introduce you to a couple of guests that are on today’s podcast. As you know, Tuesday is the day that the Alexa in Canada podcast comes out, and I’d like to give you a little sneak peek here so that you know what’s in store for you when you listen to the podcast.

So, today, I’ve got two team members from the company Witlingo. If you don’t know what Witlingo is, Witlingo is a company that helps brands to enable voice technology for their particular brand. And they’ve got two really cool products.

One is Castlingo, which allows anybody to record short audio snippets and then broadcast those out through an Alexa skill. And, on the podcast today we have Brielle and Neha, two of the team members, as I mentioned.

This helps companies, or brands, or whoever to create skills that are essentially done from your mobile phone or a website.

Witlingo, Castlingo, and Buildlingo

Brielle is the Lead of Product Marketing and Neha is the Lead of Product Management. And they describe a brand new product that has just been announced, actually, at the time of the recording, this was being announced or being made public just a couple of days later.

And this one is called Buildlingo, and this helps companies, or brands, or whoever to create skills that are essentially done from your mobile phone or a website where you just upload certain voice prompts and they put it all together into the skill.

It’s pretty cool. So, check it out at AlexainCanada.ca/64 for the 64th episode, and I think you will really, really enjoy it. Alright, so I will talk to you over on the podcast.

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2. Click on “Add Content” and search for “Voice in Canada”.
3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.

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