Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1346

Hello, hello. Teri here. I’ve got a fun tip for you today. If you’ve ever wondered if you can control your Wifi access to a particular device or for a particular person in your home, just by voice, it is totally possible.

There’s a couple of steps that you have to go through to set this up, but I think it’s worthwhile doing. It only takes a minute or two.

What you do is you go into your Alexa app, you click on the devices icon. You’ll see that. It’s the second icon to the right on your app.

Then you’re going to see along the top “Wifi Access.” You click on that, and now you ask Alexa to find your Wi-Fi devices.

This can take… it says up to 45 seconds. But then it basically walks you through the steps. Now here’s the cool thing.

It’s going to find all of your devices that are on your Wifi network. You can then select any of those devices that you want to be able to control my voice.

And then you select continue. And again, it’s going to walk you through a couple more steps.

It’s going to find all of your devices that are on your Wifi network

Wifi Access Control by Voice Through Alexa Devices

You’re going to have the option of actually setting up groups.

So, for example, let’s say you’ve got a son or daughter, you can choose the Wifi devices that you want to be able to allow access or disallow access, and put them in a group under your child’s name.

So that later on, you can just simply say to Alexa, “Enable Wifi access for [Your child’s name]”, or pause the Wifi access. So it’s pretty cool.

The other thing that you can do once you’ve set this up is then you can bring those Wifi permission levels into your routine.

So, for example, you can create a routine that says dinnertime and it turns off the Wifi. And so, then you have a family dinner without any screens.

So, there’s lots you can do here. I think it’s great. And you can set this all up again through the Alexa app. So, try it out.

Tell me if you come up with some interesting use cases for this. I’d love to hear those. Just hit me up on Twitter, @DrTeriFisher.

Alright. Have a great day. Talk to you tomorrow.

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