Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1258

Hello, hello. Teri here. Well, the Hello Festivities for this week continue. Thank you for joining us yesterday. If you joined any of the sessions with VoiceCon Live, or the augmented reality space, we had a blast and it continues today.

Today is day two of VoiceCon live. And, we’ve got some special special talks for you today. It all kicks off again at 8 am Pacific on Clubhouse, and you can catch the details, and all the scheduling for that, and the links to the rooms, and all the information that you need at VoiceCon.Live.

I want to give a shout-out again to our sponsors of the event, Amazon Alexa, as well as Speechly. Poptale, and Lotus, thank you so much for being part of this event, this first international conference… at the intersection of voice and technology on Clubhouse.

Today, at 8 am Pacific, we have our keynote. And this is, with Adam Cheyer. You may know Adam as the Co-Founder of Siri and of Viv Labs, which sold to Apple and to… Bixby, Samsung Bixby, respectively.

And, we’ve had Adam as a guest on Clubhouse before and, to be honest, when we… when we had him in the room, we had 5000 people come to the room wanting to hear from him.

So we are really really excited about having him with us as well. We are going to be chatting with him about specifically the future of Voice UX. As you know, billions of requests flow through assistants like Siri, Bixby, Alexa, and others.

However, voice is only marginally as important as the web or mobile. So how can we take voice to the next level? That is what Adam is going to be sharing with us, his thoughts on that topic.

At 9 am, we’ve got a number of other talks going on as well. Our Speechly room sponsored by Speechly is… they’re going to be covering Voice UIs already, use cases outside of voice assistance with Speechly.

We are going to be chatting with him about specifically the future of Voice UX

VoiceCon Live Day 2 and the After Party in the Augmented Reality Space

And, this will feature a number of speakers including Collin Borns and Otto Söderlund from the Speechly team. In addition, we have Voice Gaming by Poptale, another sponsor, and they are going to be talking about voice gaming, and what it takes to create a good interactive story.

This is going to feature Nick Soka, as well as Liam Urvan. And then, as well, we have another room Scaling Voice Talent using AI sponsored by the team at Lotus productions.

This is gonna feature Dr. Rupa Patel, Jim Kennelly, and Christian Rasili. And this is going to discover…. or discuss… Voice AI, voice-over talent, casting directors, and speech tech, ways to think about the benefits, and to mitigate some of the challenges.

In addition, we’ve got An Innovation in Podcasting room. This one is going to feature Roger Kibby, Armel Beaudrey, Carl Robinson, Daniel Hill, Adrian Brisky.

As well, we’ve got a Conversation Design room with Mica, as well as Claire Vanlewin. And, we have Not in AI Voice not just Anthony Bourdain, a very timely topic with Trish Ul and Robert Levine.

And, we have Immersive Edutainment on Voice with Vishnu Saran. And then finally, we’re going to cap off the entire event with our final after-party again in the augmented reality space.

Spatial web and audio brain are powering this. And, we are super excited to welcome you back into this immersive environment where you can walk around. This will be hosted in the Voice Den.

So, all the details are at VoiceCon.Live, and we’ll see you at 8 o’clock. Please feel free to join the conversation on Clubhouse. It’s all about conversations, and we want to hear from you. Alright. Talk to you soon.

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