Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1389

Hello, hello. Teri here. Happy Wednesday. Today’s podcast day. That means that on the Voice in Canada podcast, I have the latest voicefluencer as an interview.

He was interviewed on the Voicefluencer Show, and it is none other than Marc Ladin. He is one of the founders of VoicePunch, which is a VC investment firm.

They look at investing in up and coming exciting voice tech startups. Marc was actually on The Voice Den previously in November.

This interview was an opportunity for me to go a little bit deeper with Marc, and to discover a little bit more about the trends that he’s seeing, what he looks for in investments, and everything else with regards to the investment landscape of voice tech.

So, if you’re interested in voice tech, then I encourage you to check out the podcast.

They look at investing in up and coming exciting voice tech startups

You just go to VoiceinCanada.ca and look for the podcast, or on your favorite podcast player. Look for the Voice in Canada podcast.

As well, I do want to remind you that next week on Wednesday, December 15th at 5 pm Pacific, it is the 20th episode of The Voice Den.

We’ve got an incredible lineup. Five voicefluencers. And you will have a chance to speak with them directly.

You will have a chance to ask them questions, your own personal questions. It is entirely free thanks to the generous sponsorship of Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant.

You can reserve your free seat at TheVoiceDen.com. Alright! So with that being said, hope you enjoy the podcast and I will talk to you really soon. Take care

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