Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1454

Hello, hello. Teri here. Happy Friday. Hope you’re doing well. Continuing along with the theme of cars and voice technology this week, I wanted to share a particular skill and an app that we can use to control a Tesla, if you have a Tesla vehicle.

Now, first of all, the skill is called “My Tesla”. It’s an unofficial Tesla skill. So it’s not created by Tesla.

What this does allow you to do is to find out the status of your car with regards to a number of different parameters by voice.

So, getting the charge status, getting the climate status, setting the climate, honking the horn, flashing the lights, all this sort of stuff.

There’s a whole bunch of commands that you can do. This can help to control your Tesla. Now, what I’m really impressed with, though, is an app called Stats.

And what this is, it works for iOS. And in addition to doing all these things that the skill allows you to do by voice, stats has a whole bunch of statistics about your Tesla and charging that you otherwise wouldn’t know about.

But it’s there in the app. Now here’s the really interesting thing with regards to voice technology.

This is the first app that I’ve actually used on my iPhone that uses Siri shortcuts, and I find this remarkably useful.

Because, although I love the idea that there is an Alexa skill that someone has developed that allows you to get this information from Alexa, when you need it, the times that I find I really want to use my voice when I’m going to my car is when my hands are full.

And what the Stats app allows you to do is to set up voice technology, which allows you to set up Siri shortcuts, so that you can literally speak to your phone.

What the Stats app allows you to do is to set up voice technology, allows you to set up Siri shortcuts, so that you can literally speak to your phone.

Tesla Control By Voice

And yes, I know this is Siri content here on our flash briefing, but it’s just so good. I wanted to share it with you because I know a lot of you have iOS devices.

You can simply set it up so that you can talk to Siri and for example, open your trunk.

So literally, imagine your hands are full, you’re carrying groceries, you’re doing whatever you can, you say those magic words, I don’t wanna say them right now.

But “Hey, Siri open the trunk”, and boom, it opens for you. That is a perfect use case as far as I’m concerned when it comes to voice technology.

And I would love to see that happen with Alexa as well, but it just isn’t there at this point, because we don’t have the phones reacting to us in such a native way that the iOS and Siri can.

So, that’s my little bit of an editorial. I do love this app. If you have a Tesla, and you want to check out a fantastic app, simply just for the voice technology and the Siri shortcuts, which I like I say I’ve never used Siri shortcuts before really to be honest, except for this app.

Check it out, in addition to all the other statistics that are there for your Tesla. So again, it’s called the Stats app.

There is a fee for it, but it’s well worth it in my mind. So there you go. Hope that’s helpful to you.

And again, if you are sticking with your Alexa device, then check out “My Tesla (Unofficial)” for some more voice control of your car.

Alright! Hope you’re having a wonderful day and I will talk to you tomorrow.

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