Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1285

Hey, hey. Teri here with your flash briefing for Thursday. Thanks for tuning in. And, if you joined the voice team yesterday, then thank you for joining us.

We had a wonderful time with five of the voicefluencers. And one of them was Megan Grace. And today, I want to let you know that Megan is making her debut as the new host for VOICE Talks.

And this is a joint partnership with Google and Modev, and they talk about voice technology in general. And, I’m really honored I get to be a guest on her show today. So, you can just look this up at VoiceTalks.ai.

They talk about voice technology in general

Voice Talks with Megan Grace talking about voice technology

It’s happening this morning at 11 am – Pacific. And, if you want to use my special link to VOICE talks, just go to TheVoiceDen.com/GA and which stands for Google Assistant.

Again, that’s TheVoiceDen.com/GA. Voice Talks is a tremendous production and there’s always tons to learn. So, check it out. As I said, it’s kind of a special one. Megan, who was a voicefluencer yesterday on The Voice Den is there as the new host.

And, as I said, I’m honored to be part of it as well. So, I hope to see you over there on Voice Talks and I’ll talk to you again tomorrow.

Special Thanks to the Headliner Sponsors of The Voice Den:

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