Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1251
Hello, Teri here and today I want to give you a little bit of an update on the status of the Alexa Echo system, if you will.
As you know, it was recently Alexa Live and as I mentioned previously in the flash briefing, I’m going to kind of do a deep dive into all the different things that were discussed.
And one of those is an update on all the different stats that Amazon put out with regards to Alexa and the Echoes, so here we go, I’m going to run through some of the key stats for you.
So currently, there are hundreds of millions of Alexa enabled devices out there and customers that means you and I interact with Alexa billions of times every week.
There are now more than 900,000 developers that are there that are registered developers and there are more than 130,000 Alexa skills, there are hundreds of built in products.
There are currently more than 140,000 Smart Home products that can be controlled, with Alexa, customers have connected more than 100 million smart home devices Alexa and they’re continuing to connect millions of new devices every month.
There are now more than 900,000 developers that are there that are registered developers
These numbers are just staggering, that’s why I’m kind of laughing here. The numbers of customers that are engaging with skills is growing at 40% year over year and some of the strongest categories are music, audio games.
So it’s interesting, I think that I’m engaging more and more with skills and be interested to know if you are too, I’ll give you two more little stats here before I sign off today.
Alexa’s helping to generate billions of dollars for the developers and the device maker community, so it has a big economic impact as well and the developer revenue from In-Skill purchasing has more than doubled year over year.
Now, if you’re not sure what In-Skill Purchasing is, that wouldn’t totally surprise me because it has not been available in Canada until now.
And so next week when I do my deep dive and I continue to do that, we’re going to talk about In-Skill Purchasing, which is now a new feature here in Canada, alright?
We will be covering our regular topics tomorrow for the weekend, for Saturday and Sunday and I’ll be back to the deep dive on Monday.
Have a wonderful day and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.
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Other Useful Resources
- List of Voice Assistant Commands
- Alexa-Enabled and Controlled Devices in Canada
- Teri Fisher on Twitter
- Alexa in Canada on Twitter
- Alexa in Canada on Instagram
- Alexa in Canada Community Group on Facebook
- Please leave a review on the Skills Store!
- Shopping on Amazon.ca
- Create a Flash Briefing Tutorial – Free Tutorial to Create your own Flash Briefing
- Flash Briefing Formula – Your Complete Premium Step-By-Step Course to Launch a Successful Flash Briefing that Gets Found and Grows Your Brand
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