Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #893

Alright, Teri Fisher here with your flash briefing and today I’ve got a quick one for you, it’s basically to give you an update on Prime Days.

And if you are not familiar with what Prime Day is, it’s an annual event that’s been going on for the last couple of years where Amazon puts on huge, huge sales.

It typically is an opportunity to get Alexa devices and smart home devices that are compatible with Alexa at some of the best prices available.

Now in the past, this has been in July and so a lot of people have been wondering and asking, well, what’s going on? Is there a prime day?

Am I going to be able to get deals on these Alexa devices? And the best that I can come up with right now, I did a little bit of searching on the internet and this is what we know.

We know that Prime Day obviously is taking place later on this year, it’s not going to be taking place during July and it looks like it will probably be taking place somewhere in October.

It looks like it will probably be taking place somewhere in October.

Update on Prime Day 2020

At least those are the unconfirmed rumors at this point, they did release a statement on July 21st that basically said that they were going to be having savings for customers in India on August 6th and seventh, but that “Members all around the world will experience Prime Day later this year, we look forward to sharing more detail soon”.

So again, my advice to you is if you are weeding out for the next week or two to buy something at a Prime Day price, probably not going to be happening.

So if you’re looking at getting a device, then go ahead and grab that device.

If you are willing to wait until October, at least that’s what we think, then there will be some great deals at that time, okay?

And if you do want to do any shopping at any point and use my affiliate link, that’s very much appreciated.

You can just simply go to AlexainCanada.ca/Amazon, it takes you to the Amazon.ca homepage.

No difference in your experience, I just do earn a small commission and I thank you for that, the prices are exactly the same.

Thanks have a wonderful day and I will talk to you tomorrow.

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