Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1214

Hey Teri here, it’s Wednesday, hope you’re doing well.

Today’s podcast day and super excited to share with you that I’ve got Steve Keller on the podcast.

If you don’t know Steve, his nickname is the Audio Alchemist and he is all about Sonic transformation.

Not only that, he has a real passion for voice diversity, and also how voice and sound can affect the way that we experience other senses like taste, really, really interesting stuff.

So Steve comes on the show, he’s one of the voicefluencer that’s going to be on The Voice Den next Wednesday, June 23, at 5pm Pacific.

he has a real passion for voice diversity, and also how voice and sound can affect the way that we experience other senses

TVS with Steve Keller

And by the way, you can get your free spot at TheVoiceDen.com, but Steve comes on to chat about all the incredible things that he’s doing his research etc. on The Voicefluencer Show, and the podcast is a recording of that live stream show.

So please feel free to check it out, go to VoiceinCanada.ca and you can click on the podcast tab or just check it out on your favorite podcast player and hear all about Sonic transformation with the Audio Alchemist.

Alright, see you over in the podcast.

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