Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1220

Hello, hello, welcome to the flash briefing for Tuesday.

Today we’re switching things up a little bit, it’s going to be podcast day today.

Normally more recently, we’ve been doing podcasts on Wednesdays but I wanted to let you have a listen to the podcast before The Voice Den, which happens tomorrow.

And by the way, if you haven’t got your free seat for The Voice Den, just go to TheVoiceDen.com sponsored by Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, so thank you for your sponsorship.

The interview on the podcast today is with Sarah Andrew Wilson, the Chief Content Officer for Matchbox.io and if that name sounds familiar, it’s because they are behind the some of the most popular voice games including Question of the day.

we even finished off the discussion with an analogy of voice technology and some of the robots that we have all seen in Star Wars

And so she comes on The Voicefluencer Show with me, this is a recording of The Voicefluencer Show, which was streamed live and Sarah talks about their company, some of the voice games that they do, how they’ve gotten actually into an app to play the game as well.

And then we even finished off the discussion with an analogy of voice technology and some of the robots that we have all seen in Star Wars C-3PO and Archiedthio and it’s a brilliant, brilliant analogy, I love the way Sarah describes this.

So please check out the podcast episode, just go to your favorite podcast player and search for Voice in Canada or go to the VoiceinCanada.ca website and click on the podcast tab and I think you’re in for a real treat as well with this one.

So there you go, a chance to hear Sarah who by the way is one of the voicefluencers on The Voice Den tomorrow, Wednesday at 5pm, so check that out to TheVoiceDen.com.

Alright, have a great day, see in the podcast.

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