Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1053

Hey, hey, Teri Fisher here with your flash briefing for today.

Now, if you’ve been following along, you know that normally Tuesdays are my podcast day, but I’m making an exception this week because on Tuesday afternoon, I recorded the latest episode of The Voicefluencer Show, which features the guests that come on The Voice Den.

And The Voicefluencer Show today featured Jon Stine, who is the executive director of the Open Voice Network.

This man is quite an incredible gentleman, he is overseeing such an important initiative all about setting standards for voice technology, about developing trust in the voice technology world.

And this is so so important, because as different companies come together and create these voice assistants, and as we are getting more and more independent companies that are creating voice assistants, there has to be some type of standards.

important initiative all about setting standards for voice technology

TVS with Jon Stine

Whether you’re looking at from an ethical perspective, or from simply like a naming perspective, how do you name a voice app, there are so many aspects that really should be brought together in one set of guidelines.

And so Jon came on as the guest on The Voicefluencer Show, my guest host was Ian Utile and we’ve now packaged this up and we put it together as the podcast that is coming out today.

So I encourage you to check it out, you can just go to VoiceinCanada.ca and click on the podcast link or you can just search for Voice in Canada on your favorite podcast player.

Hope you’ll enjoy the episode lots and lots of great stuff in there particularly enjoy the conversation about the idea of trust.

So with that said, have a wonderful day and I will talk to you tomorrow.

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