Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1172

Hello, hope you are doing well on this Wednesday, today’s podcast day and I’ve got a special podcast guest today.

If you’ve been listening to the podcast, you know that on The Voicefluencer Show, I often have a guest co-host with me, and that is Ian Utile.

Well today, I get to flip the tables on him and Ian is the interviewee and I get to interview him and talk to him a little bit about his business.

We talked a little bit about the intersection of voice technology and NFTs.

We talk a little bit about the intersection of voice technology and NFTs.

TVS with Ian Utile

And we also talk about his nickname, The Optimist and how he takes that view of life, both of his personal life but also in his professional business as well and how that impacts what he does with his business decisions when it comes to his company again, voice technology and NFT’s.

So Ian is a great friend of mine, I’m really excited about this podcast episode, feel free to check it out over at the Voice in Canada podcast.

You can always go to the website at VoiceinCanada.ca or just search for it on your favorite podcast player.

Hope you’re doing well and I will be back again tomorrow, see you on the podcast.

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