Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1087

Hey, Teri Fisher, here it is Tuesday, hope you’re having a good start to your day or enter your day depending on when you’re listening to this.

I want to tell you about the podcast coming out today, this podcast is another episode of The Voicefluencer Show featuring Brandon Kaplan, of Skilled Creative.

Brandon is a really smart guy for one but he happens to be the CEO of Skilled Creative and they are a voice agency.

And they’ve created some voice experiences for some of the leading recognizable brands out there.

they’ve created some voice experiences for some of the leading recognizable brands out there.

TVS with Brandon Kaplan

So he comes on, he was one of the voicefluencer on The Voice Den, and this episode was recorded leading up to the episode that he was on.

In any case, I’m sure that you will find a ton of information that is going to be very useful to you, particularly if you are interested in developing voice skills or actions or any voice experiences of any kind really.

So just go on over to the podcast, you can find it at VoiceinCanada.ca/Podcast or your favorite podcast player, and hope you’ll enjoy.

Take care, have a wonderful day, talk to you tomorrow.

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