Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1080

Hey, Teri Fisher here, flash briefing for Tuesday.

And boy, I’ve got a fantastic podcast episode for you today on The Voice in Canada podcast and I really encourage you to check this one out.

This is an interview with Adam Cheyer and if you don’t know who Adam Cheyer is he is the co-founder of Siri, which was eventually sold to Apple to create Siri.

He is also the co-founder of Viv labs, which was eventually sold to Samsung to create Samsung’s voice assistant Bixby and on top of that, Adam is a magician.

so I highly, highly encourage you to check out this podcast episode

TVS with Adam Cheyer

He is an incredible, incredible guy, so I highly highly encourage you to check out this podcast episode I am super excited to share this one with you.

I had my guest co-host, Ian Utile, share the experience we interviewed Adam together, and Adam then appeared on The Voice Den Show.

So this is actually a recording of The Voicefluencer Show that we did prior to The Voice Den.

In any case, go check it out, you can always go to VoiceinCanada.ca and look for the podcast link or subscribe on your favorite podcast player and I’d love to get your feedback on this show, just hit me up at DrTeriFisher.

Alright, enjoy, talk to you later.

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