Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1071

Hey, hey Teri here with your flash briefing for Sunday, hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

Sunday, again are the days that we like to answer questions from the community and this question comes from the Facebook community.

So if you’re not part of our community, come head over there, just go to voice and I think about that for a second VoiceinCanada.ca/Community and it’ll take you right to our Facebook group.

Now, here’s the question, this is from Andrew and he says, “Can you use Alexa to tune your guitar, are there any skills you can use for that purpose?”

this week is The Voice Den, so stay tuned for more information about that

Tune Your Guitar with Alexa

And there are in fact, there are a number of skills and we had Janet suggest some skills and we had Sarah Andrew Wilson suggest Easy Tuner.

And you simply say, “Alexa, open Easy Tuner”, and it can tune your guitar, it will play the particular note for you, you will say move on or next when you’re ready to move on to the next note for the next string and it’s pretty simple to use.

So there you go, hope that is helpful to you, Andrew, and to a whole bunch of other musicians out there.

Hope you’re having a wonderful Sunday, take care, and we’ll talk to you again tomorrow.

And just a reminder, this week is The Voice Den, so stay tuned for more information about that coming to you on Wednesday TheVoiceDen.com.

Talk to you later.

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