Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1032

Hey there, it’s Wednesday, December 16 and I love these Wednesdays, when they are the Wednesday’s of The Voice Den.

This has become my another one of my passion projects, I should say, hosting The Voice Den bringing together a lot of the really influential personalities in the voice space, and having the opportunity to speak with them.

And meaning when I say having the opportunity to speak with them, I mean, you having the opportunity to speak with them.

It’s kind of like a reality show where you get to come on, and ask questions and pick their brains and all that sort of stuff. So today is session number eight of The Voice Den.

Again, a shout out to our headliner sponsor Amazon Alexa, as well as to our partners Attention Live and Audio Brain.

Let me tell you just briefly about the five very special guests that are going to be on the show today.

We have Rebecca Evanhoe, otherwise known as Professor UX, who is a conversation designer at Pratt Institute.

She teaches conversation design and so if you have any questions about this area of voice technology, then definitely, definitely check it out your opportunity to ask her some questions.

I encourage you to join us for this very special and final Voice Den episode of the year.

The Voice Den Session 8

We have Ashwin Karuhatty otherwise known as ASK, he is the head of global product partnerships for Google Assistant.

And he’s actually one of the main guys behind the very successful Voice Talks.

He is so knowledgeable about voice technology, and in particular what Google’s doing.

So if that interests you as well, that definitely come on on.

We’ve also got Emily Lonetto , she’s known as Amplify and she is head of growth at Voice Flow.

Voice Flow is a fantastic platform that allows you to simply drag and drop fields to create your own voice skills and actions.

We have Michal Stanislawek and Michal, I hope I said your name right.

And he is the co-founder for Utter.One and a Voice Lunch, he’s otherwise known as the Utter Man.

And then we have Jennie Stenhouse, The Builder, she’s a developer advocate for Neosensory as well as the COO for women in voice.

This is a real powerhouse lineup of voice tech leaders and like I say, I encourage you to join us for this very special and final Voice Den episode of the year.

So TheVoiceDen.com is where you need to be at five o’clock, bring some beverages, bring some snacks, sit down, enjoy yourself and join in the discussion, we’ll all be there, alright?

I hope to see you there to, take care.

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