Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1115

Hey, hey happy Tuesday, Teri here.

Hope you’re doing well if you joined us for the very special edition of Clubhouse yesterday where we launched the NFT’s, and thank you so much, it was really a lot of fun and I appreciate all the support in the room.

Today I want to tell you about a partnership between Span, which is the smart fuse box, and Alexa.

So this is in development right now, very interesting, so imagine your fuse box in your home and now imagine that being a smart fuse box.

So what does that mean? Well, it’s reportedly going to be integrating Alexa into the control and what does that mean you can do?

you can actually control those or turn off any circuit or appliance with just the voice command to Alexa.

The Smart Fusebox Span to Integrate Alexa

Well, it means that you can ask questions like, “Alexa asks Span what is consuming the most power right now”, and you get a response.

It opens up an opportunity for home owners to integrate their devices and appliances, because you can actually control those or turn off any circuit or appliance with just the voice command to Alexa.

So pretty interesting if you are into all the latest voice tech when it comes to smart home, keep an eye on this company Span and the smart fuse box replacement.

I will try to keep you updated if I hear any further developments as far as when this is available and so on but for now it’s an interesting concept and it brings your home a little more smarter.

Alright, have a wonderful day and I’ll talk to you tomorrow. We the voice.

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