Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1368

Hey, it’s Teri here and it is Wednesday, November 17. And that means it is the day of session 19 of The Voice Den, the Happy Hour of Voice.

I hope you’ll join us at five o’clock Pacific today, sponsored by Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. It’s your chance to have a chat with four incredible voicefluencers.

People that are at the top of the voice technology field, and the show is all about you coming on live with them and asking questions.

If you haven’t been part of the show, it’s got a very laid-back atmosphere and it’s known as The Happy Hour of Voice.

I want to tell you a little about the four people that we have joining us today. We have Dr. Ciara Anderson.

She is the Senior Advisor for Conversational AI design with CVS health. She’s otherwise known as “The typologist.”

These, like I say, are four people that truly are voicefluencers, and here’s your chance to chat with him

The Happy Hour of Voice is The Voice Den Hosted by Teri Fisher

We’ve got Marc Ladin, otherwise known as “Captain Crunch.” He’s a general partner with VoicePunch VC.

We have Amy Stapleton, otherwise known as “The Storyteller.” She is the CEO and Co-founder of Chatables.

And we have the pragmatist, Scott Westwater, the CCO of Pragmatic Digital. These, as I say, are four people that truly are voicefluencers, and here’s your chance to chat with him.

It all starts at 5 pm Pacific. It is entirely free. Just go to TheVoiceDen.com for your free seat.

And following that, an hour later at 6 pm, we’ll be meeting together in the virtual reality space, the augmented reality space of The Voice Den where we can all hang out, chat, walk around in The Voice Den, and have some fun.

So, there you go. Hope to see you at 5 pm Pacific and will talk to you soon. Take care

Special Thanks to the Headliner Sponsors of The Voice Den:

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