Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1200

Hello, hello, hello, Happy Wednesday, well, today’s a special flash briefing and I just want to take a quick moment to say thank you to all of you.

This is flash briefing, episode number 1200 and, boy, it’s crazy to think that this has been going on for 1200 consecutive days and I just want to thank each and every one of you, if you’ve listened to one flash briefing, you have listened to all 1200 flash briefings, thank you so much for your support, it means the world to me.

And for those of you that have left reviews on Amazon, thank you so much and if you do ever want to leave a review and you feel compelled to, then you can just go to VoiceinCanada.ca.

Go to the flash briefing page and you’ll simply see a button there to leave a review and of course, thank you so much for that.

But the real purpose of this flash briefing is to thank you, again, for all the support over the last couple of years, it has been a pleasure bringing these to you and I will continue to do so, and along those lines, today, I want to share with you a fun tip.

the real purpose of this flash briefing is to thank you, again, for all the support over the last couple of years,

Thank you and a Reminder Tip

If there’s something that you often forget to do when you are leaving the house, maybe you forget to take your keys or whatever it may be, what you can do is you can actually set up an Alexa routine to remind you to do that.

So that when you say to Alexa, you know, “Alexa, I’m leaving now”, she will respond to you with whatever reminder you need and if you want to get really fancy, you can even have different reminders for different days of the week or different times of the day, right?

So you could say, “Alexa, I’m leaving to start my day”, or “Alexa, I’m going out for the evening”, whatever the case may be, you could have those particular phrases set to trigger certain responses from Alexa and you do that by going through and setting up routines through the app.

So I hope you find that helpful, I hope that you make good use of that, and again, thank you so much for all the support 1200 episodes, here we are, here’s to another 1200 more.

Alright, take care, talk to you soon.

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