Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1026

Hey there happy Thursday, hope you are doing well.

It’s Teri here and today’s a very special event that I want to invite you to. I have been tremendously honored, very humbled to have been asked to be part of the Voice Talks series.

And this is a monthly series put on by Google and it’s all about voice technology.

And today is the year in voice review episode, so 2020 a year in voice, and it is streaming live at 2pm Eastern 2pm Eastern today on Thursday.

If you want to join in on that, you simply go to VoiceTalks.ai and you can register there.

The description of the event is to share predictions for voice in 2021 from an array of industry leaders.

this feature a whole bunch people from Google as well as other people in the voice industry.

Join us as we celebrate all the industry advancements during the past year and look forward to a year of more to come.

So this feature a whole bunch people from Google as well as other people in the voice industry.

As I mentioned, I’m extremely honored to be one of those people sharing some of my humble thoughts.

So please join us VoiceTalks.ai streaming at 2pm Eastern or 11am Pacific and I would love, love to hear your thoughts on what you hear on the episode, just feel free to join me on twitter at DrTeriFisher.

Have a wonderful day see you over on Voice Talks.

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