Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1062

Hey, hey Teri Fisher here and I’ve got a tip for you today that have to do with reminders and events and ways that you can use Alexa to help you out with that.

And the best way I can explain this is probably by giving you an example.

So the Superbowl is coming up in a couple of weeks and let’s say you want to be reminded when that is.

Well, if you just say to Alexa, “Alexa, tell me when the Superbowl is”, she will do two things.

The first thing is she will tell you when this and by the way, spoiler alert, it’s on February 7.

And you can use that for things like TV show airdates, holidays, that sort of thing

Tell Me When

But then automatically, she asks you if you’d like a reminder and if you say yes, then she will remind you at that time.

And you can use that for things like TV show airdates, holidays, that sort of thing, so you can actually do a lot of things like that.

So remember those key words “Tell me when” and hopefully by remembering those words, you can keep your life a little bit more organized and get some more reminders because I know I need more reminders these days.

Alright, have a wonderful rest of your day and I look forward to talking you tomorrow.

Take care.

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