Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1455

Hey, hey. Teri here. It is Saturday and that means we get to share some commands and fun things you can say to Alexa.

Now with it being Super Bowl weekend, it makes sense that we jump into some Super Bowl commands. So let’s get right to it. Alright? Number one.

You can say, “Alexa, who’s going to win the big game?” and see who she thinks it’s going to take at all.

Number two, you can get some football jokes simply by saying, “Alexa, tell me a football joke.”

Complete with sound effects, she will tell everybody on your Echo network about the latest touchdown

And number three, if there is a touchdown and you want to let everybody know about it, you could simply say, “Alexa, announce touchdown” and complete with sound effects, she will tell everybody on your Echo network about the latest touchdown.

So there you go. A couple of fun things. Enjoy the Super Bowl if you’ll be watching it. Have a great time.

I’ll be back tomorrow with more flash briefing for you. Alright! Talk to you then.

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