Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1097

Hey, hey Teri Fisher here with your flash briefing for Friday.

Have you ever wondered if you could set up a routine that automatically gets triggered during sunrise or sunset?

Well, you can do just that, for example, if you want your lights to turn on as the sun goes down, or if you want your lights to turn off as the sun comes up, then you can simply set up a routine to do that and it’s really easy.

What you do is you go into your app, you click on the More icon in the bottom right corner, you click on routines, and then you click on the plus sign at the top right.

Then you’re gonna have an opportunity to enter the routine name, so great, you can do that but the magic happens in the second option, ‘When this happens’.

You click on When this happens and then you click on schedule and now you’ll have the option of selecting sunrise or sunset.

 feel free to join our happy hour of voice in The Voice Den on Clubhouse,

Sunrise Sunset

Now when you go through and you set up your routine, it will happen during sunrise or during sunset and it’s that simple.

It’s really great to have things that happen automatically, at a particular time, sunrise sunset, but that time obviously changes depending on the time of year and this adjusts automatically to your local sunrise and sunset times.

Just before I sign off, I want to remind you about two things, number one, feel free to join our happy hour of voice in The Voice Den on Clubhouse, Mondays, Wednesday, Thursdays and Fridays.

So today is Friday, that happens at 4:30pm pacific time and on Monday, or I might do this on Monday again.

But on Monday, I am hosting The After Social as part of Voice Flows Version 2, V2 event.

They’re launching their version two of their platform, which is an incredible platform for creating your own voice apps.

So check them out VoiceFlow.com/V2 and I hope that you will join us for the event and for the After Event Social.

Alright, have a wonderful day, talk to you later.

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