Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1038

Well, hey there, hope you’re doing great.

I have a really, really fun podcast for you today.

It’s Tuesday and that’s the day we bring on a guest and today I’ve got Mark Tucker.

Mark Tucker, you may recognize that name Mark has been on the podcast before.

He’s been on The Voice Den as a voice influencer and today, he comes on the podcast to talk about a really, really fun game that he has just created.

And it’s on both Alexa and it’s also on Google Assistant as well and it’s called Snatch Word.

we talk about what goes into it, a little about the game, a little bit of how it works

Snatch Word

It is really, really fun and we talk about what goes into it, a little about the game, a little bit of how it works.

And hey, you should play it and check out the leaderboard because just maybe check who’s on there and we’ll say the competition’s on, alright?

Anyway, come check out the podcast, I think you’re gonna really really enjoy it, I’m hooked on this game.

Just head over to VoiceinCanada.ca/Podcast and you can catch all the information there.

Great little game to play during the holiday season, I will see you over on the podcast.

Take care.

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