Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1073

Hello, and Happy Tuesday, Teri here and today is podcast day and I am really excited about today’s podcast.

We actually cover a topic that we really haven’t talked about before and that is smart housing and how Alexa is being built into one of the most technologically advanced developments in Calgary and in particular, the one that we’re talking about.

And we talk with Harish Consul of Ocgrow and they are putting together this project called Solar and every single condo in this project has Alexa built in with all the features associated with that.

Fascinating how dedicated and how innovative this group is, in putting voice technology into these homes.

So I encourage you to check it out, it’s going to be, I think, well worth your time to listen to that one.

And if you are in Calgary and you’re interested in living in a place that’s very cutting edge as far as technology goes, you might be really interested in learning about Solar.

every single condo in this project has Alexa built in with all the features

Smart Homes on the Podcast

You can simply go to VoiceinCanada.ca and click on the voice casts and you’ll see the podcast there.

And that is where you can hear it or of course even easier just search for the Voice in Canada podcasts on your favorite podcast player.

Now I also want to give you a reminder that tomorrow is The Voice Den session number 9 and we have a great lineup of speakers.

I will tell you a little bit more about them tomorrow but I do want to give a shout out to both Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, both of which are headliner sponsors for this episode, and for all the episodes in fact for 2021.

So big thank you to both the Amazon team and the Google team for sponsoring the show and making it accessible to everyone.

So I encourage you to check it out, you can reserve your seat at TheVoiceDen.com.

Tomorrow I’ll tell you a little bit more about the specific voicefluencers that we have on the show, we have an incredible lineup.

So I will talk to you again tomorrow.

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2. Click on “Add Content” and search for “Voice in Canada”.
3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.

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