Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1159

Hey, hey Teri here, wow, before we get into today’s flash briefing, I just want to say thank you to everybody that tuned in yesterday for The Voice Den.

I hope you had a lot of fun on the episode with CLAiRA, with our special guest, The Beatboxer and as well, I hope you had so much fun in The Voice Den, the real Voice Den, the spatial audio augmented reality experience, oh, it was so much fun, so thank you all for being there.

Now, let’s get to today’s flash briefing, today, I just want to speak briefly about smart home groups what they are and how you can use them.

So basically, they allow you to group multiple devices into one, well, group, that’s the whole point of the word I suppose, you can add multiple devices to a group that controls for example, lights, music, and other smart home devices.

you can add multiple devices to a group that controls for example, lights, music, and other smart home devices.

Smart Home Groups

So let’s say you’ve got a number of different things in your living room, a number of different lights, maybe you’ve got something in a smart plug, you can group those all under living room.

And then when you say lights on or you know, turn on living room, it will activate all of those things that are within that one particular group.

And it’s pretty cool, because I’ve done that, for example for the whole downstairs to my house, so when I say turn off, lights downstairs, all the lights and all the rooms get turned off.

So play around with that, think of ways that you could experiment that, you could have for example, outside versus inside, upstairs/downstairs, particular rooms, etc.

Alright, so have fun with that and I’d love to hear feedback, hit me up on Twitter, DrTeriFisher, and tell me how you are using some of your Smart Home groups.

Alright, have a great rest of your day, talk to you later.

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