Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1347

Hello. Teri here. Happy Wednesday. I want to give you a little bit of advice today about how you can clean up your Alexa app.

If you’re like me, you may have connected some smart lights in the past or maybe a smart plug, and then you search things out over the last couple of years.

Now you’ve got a smart light that’s replacing the smart plug or vice versa. How do you get rid of those smart devices from your app so that they’re no longer there?

Well, this is how you do it. First of all, you open your Alexa app. Then you click on the devices button in the bottom right.

Then at the top, you’re gonna see some icons starting with Echo and Alexa. Scroll all the way to the left, and you’ll see a button that says all devices.

You may have connected some smart lights in the past or maybe a smart plug

Smart Device Connection Tips To Help You Clean Up Your Alexa App

Now, you can see your smart devices and you’ll see devices that say “Online”, or perhaps it will say “New devices” if it’s a relatively new device.

But you can also see ones that are offline. Then if you click on that, you can go into that smart device’s settings, and you can disconnect it from your Alexa account.

When you do that, you’ll have the option to delete it. If it’s an Echo device, you can actually deregister it and that’s how you do it.

And that’s how you can keep your Alexa app clean and tidy. So, I hope that is helpful to you, and I hope you’re having a great day.

I will talk to you again tomorrow.

Listen on your Echo Device! Easy as 1-2-3!

Voice in Canada Flash Briefing Icon1. Open your Alexa app and click on the Menu button > Settings > Flash Briefing.
2. Click on “Add Content” and search for “Voice in Canada”.
3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.

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