Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #15

Hey there and welcome to another week. So today we’re going to do another quick skill review.

And this one I really like because it has tons of sounds that you can use to relax for potentially fall asleep.

Now there are a lot of these skills out that have lots of sounds that you can listen to individually.

But what I really like about this one, which is called sleep and relaxation sounds, is that when you enable this particular skill, it actually gives you a whole bunch of options.

They say in their description that they have over 50 different sounds that you can ask Alexa to play.

And very simple, of course, you enable it by saying, “Alexa, open sleep sounds” and then once you’ve done that, you can also ask it to play specific sounds if you know what sound you want.

It has tons of sounds that you can use to relax for potentially fall asleep.

Sleep and Relaxation Sounds Skill

So then you would say for example, ask “Alexa, ask sleep sound to play thunderstorms” or “asks sleep sounds to play rain” and the list goes on and on.

I’m just going to list some of these sounds for you here. So you can get a sense of just the variety here of the sounds.

There’s heartbeat, ocean, rain, babbling brook thunderstorm, white noise, rain forest, fireplace, music box, forest birds, train ride, grandfather clock, crickets, frogs, vacuum, city rain, heavy rain, jungle night, wind chimes.

I can hear Alexa actually playing one of these sounds right now. It’s playing thunderstorms cause it heard me give the command.

It goes on and on and on. I could keep going here. There’s a huge, huge list here and actually thunderstorm is one of my favorite ones.

So check it out I think it’s a great skill and remember tomorrow I am announcing the winner of the Echo Dot. So stay tuned and I’ll speak tomorrow.

Resources Mentioned in this Episode

Other Useful Resources

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Voice in Canada Skill Logo1. Open your Alexa app and click on the Menu button > Settings > Flash Briefing.
2. Click on “Add Content” and search for “Voice in Canada”.
3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.

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