Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1174

Hello, how are you? It’s Teri here with your flash briefing and I’m really excited about today’s flash briefing because I want to let you know about a relatively new feature that has to do with routines.

Now, I haven’t spoken about routines in a while but if you’ve been following along with a flash briefing for some time, you’ll know that I love routines.

And routines or the ability to just say one command, or to have something happen at a particular time and it triggers a whole bunch of things that Alexa would otherwise do only if you set a number of commands in a sequence.

So here’s the thing that’s new with the routines, at least for us in Canada, and that is that you can now share your routines.

So if you come up with a really, really cool routine that is triggered and then carries out a whole bunch of actions, you can share this with other people.

people that you share this link with will be able to see details of the routine and use it on their own account,

Share Routines in Canada

The way that you do this is you go into your app, you click on the More icon in the bottom right corner, you click on routines, and then you click on the actual routine that you want to share.

Then you click on the top right, three dots, this little icon with three dots lined up vertically, and you click on Share routine.

Now you do get a warning that says that you’re about to create a link to share your routine and people that you share this link with will be able to see details of the routine and use it on their own account, so don’t share routines that have private or personal information, keep that in mind.

Once you click continue, you then get a link that you can then share any way you want, whether it’s email or text or WhatsApp or whatever the case may be, you share it out to whoever you want, they can click that link and now they have access to your routine.

Let me know how this is going, I’d love to hear it, tell me how you’re sharing your routines and how you’re using this feature, hit me up on Twitter at DrTeriFisher and I will talk to you tomorrow.

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