Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1155

Hey, hey Teri here, hope you’re doing well, happy Sunday.

Sunday is a day we like to answer questions from the community and today’s question is about how you actually set up an Echo sub, if you want to have that deep, rich bass sound with your Echo devices.

So for those of you that don’t know, the sub is the large Echo device, and it’s built for the bass sound.

So this is the way you do it, you basically, when you get your sub, you open the Alexa app, you select devices, you select the plus sign, and then you select Set Up Audio System.

we’ve got a big week coming up stay tuned for the flash briefings for all the great events

Setup Echo Sub

Then you select stereo pair and it will basically walk you through at that point how to set up the Echo sub and then you get well you get much much nicer audio with that, like I said, that rich deep bass sound.

So hopefully that helps if you’ve got an Echo sub, I hope you’re enjoying the music because I’m sure it sounds just fantastic.

Alright, have a wonderful Sunday, we’ve got a big week coming up stay tuned for the flash briefings for all the great events that are happening and I’ll bring you the first announcement tomorrow, alright?

Take care, talk to you later.

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