Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1403

Hey, hey. Teri here. Hope you’re doing well. I have a fun little tidbit for you today for the flash briefing.

And this is something that I kind of discovered by accident. As you may know, NORAD tracks Santa on New Year’s Eve.

And I thought I would go ahead and ask Alexa where Santa is. So, I don’t wanna give away too much of this.

But I discovered something that is quite fun. I asked Alexa, “Alexa, where’s Santa?”

They gave me other ideas of different things that I can say to interact with Alexa and/or Santa

Santa Location Tracking and Some Christmas Magic from Alexa

She gave me a response, but then she went on to tell me something about decorations that I had earned for my Christmas tree.

And they gave me other ideas of different things that I can say to interact with Alexa and/or Santa. So, I don’t want to take too much more than that.

It’s really fun. And I think it’s pretty cool. Bottom line, you have to say, “Alexa, where is Santa?” and see what happens.

Alright! Have fun with that, and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

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