Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #62

All right. For today’s flash briefing, we’re going to dive into the Alexa routines in a little more detail.

I’m doing a series here of a number of flash briefings all about the different features that you can activate in a routine.

So if you’ve missed any of them, you can always go back and listen to past flash briefings by the way at VoiceinCanada.ca.

So today let’s jump into the music feature. When you’re setting up your routines and this is pretty cool because you can set up really simple routines.

So for example, maybe you want to have a radio station come on in the morning as I do and I have my routine set up to go through various things, the news, traffic, and we’ll talk more about those things at a later flash briefing.

But then I choose to include music.

And so when you click on the music icon, when you’re setting up your routine.

You basically choose, you type into your App, what type of music you want to listen to.

Now this could be a particular song, it could be a particular artist, it could be a particular genre of music, rock music for example and then in the down arrow you’ll see an option where you can select your music provider.

I have my routine set up to go through various things, the news, traffic.

Routines - Music

Now your options may be different depending on what your particular music provider is. On mine, I can see I’ve got Amazon music, I’ve gotten my library, I’ve got Spotify, and I’ve got tuned in.

So for example, currently I have mine set to listen to the radio station is at 95.3 FM in Vancouver.

So I choose tune in and I put Z95.3 and at the end of my routine, that’s what comes on and I listened to the radio station until I’m ready to go, so it’s really great.

Now here’s a sort of power tip, if you want to have an alarm set to come on at a particular time to music, you set your routine at that particular time, whatever it is, 6:00 AM to that radio station and all of a sudden now Alexa just starts playing that radio station at that time.

And using this routine feature it’s a way that you can set an alarm through Alexa that essentially will start playing music at the time to wake up.

So I think that’s a really kind of neat hack here. There’s another way to set an alarm to music with Alexa now as well and I’ll talk about that at a later flash briefing.

But for now, I think this is a great way to do it through the routines. So check it out and I’ll have another routine tip for you tomorrow.

Resources Mentioned in this Episode

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Voice in Canada Skill Logo1. Open your Alexa app and click on the Menu button > Settings > Flash Briefing.
2. Click on “Add Content” and search for “Voice in Canada”.
3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.

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