Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1237

Hey, hey Teri here. Alright, so today let’s talk about the next new feature for routines.

If you haven’t had a chance to listen to the previous flash briefings, you can always access them, by the way on the website at VoiceinCanada.ca and you can hear a little bit about some of the new routine features that are out that I think are really, really cool.

Let’s get into these, so today, again, we’re talking about routines that are sound detection based and I want to focus today on the one that is Baby Crying.

And this one basically allows you to listen, or allows your voice assistant more specifically to listen for the sound of a baby crying and then when the baby is crying, you can then trigger your device to do a number of different things.

So it could be simply turn on the bedroom lights, it could be send a message to your phone, it could be start playing some soothing music.

Alexa become a form of a babysitter for us and if the baby is crying, she steps in

Routine for Baby Crying

So I don’t know if it’s a wise thing to imagine or not but could Alexa become a form of a babysitter for us and if the baby is crying, she steps in and take some action to help sue the baby.

Anyway, there are lots of things that you can do, the bottom line is this is a really interesting feature.

You go into your legacy app, you click on the More icon in the bottom left, then you click on Routines, then you click on Add routine, you do that by clicking on the plus button in the top right.

You click on when this happens and then you’ll see the option for sound detection and then Baby Crying, you choose a device where you want this to happen, where you want the device to be listening for the baby crying and then you click Next.

And then you choose Add action and you’ve got a whole host of different things that you can add there.

So try that out, let me know what you think, I’d love to hear what your thoughts are on this and we’ll talk to you again tomorrow.

Take care.

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