Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1352

Hey there. Welcome to November. It’s Teri here. Hope you had a wonderful Halloween. Hope you had fun. Hope you were safe and had a good time all around.

There were a lot of announcements in October with regards to Alexa. And there was one that I didn’t even get a chance to comment on.

And I just want to let you know about it. This is again, for those of you that are perhaps in the market for a new car.

There is a car that is being produced that has Alexa built right in natively into the car itself. And that is the new Range Rover.

So, you can provide commands for music, navigation, smart home devices, the whole bit. This is interesting.

It’s the first time I’ve seen this. Perhaps it’s happened before, but I was not aware of it.

There is a car that is being produced that has Alexa built right in natively into the car itself

Range Rover with Alex Built In Coming in 2022

Because Alexa is built directly into the new Range Rover, you can actually ask Alexa about the car now. So, there’s marketing going both ways.

If you want to just experience what that’s like, you’d simply say, “Alexa, tell me about the new Range Rover.” And she will do that. So there you go.

If you’re in the market for a new car, and Alexa is part of your personal ecosystem, and you want to have it in your car, then that certainly is an option for you to check out.

So, there you go. Hope you’re doing well. Hope you have a wonderful November and I’ll be back again tomorrow to chat with you.

Alright? Take care. Talk to you soon.

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