Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #574

Hey there, it’s Sunday. Hope you’re having a fantastic weekend. On Sundays, as you may know, I love to answer questions from the community, and if you’re not part of our Facebook community, by the way, feel free to join it at AlexainCanada.ca/Community.

Now, the question today comes from Waldemar. And the general sense of the question is this.

Trying to come up with an idea for a skill, and Waldemar asks like, “How do you do that? How do you come up with the idea? How do you go about skill discovery?”

And, so I think this is a very interesting question, because there certainly is a lot of opportunity right now, for people to create skills, because we’re so early in this voice technology world.

But I think the best advice I can give here, is it really comes down to identifying a need first.

 How do you go about skill discovery?

Question: How to Come up with an Alexa Skill Idea?

So you don’t want to start by thinking of, “What can I make as a good skill?” You want to start by thinking, “What is a problem that people have, that would then allow me to address that problem through voice technology?”

So I’ll give you a good example. A friend of mine, Heidi Culbertson was looking for a way to help her mom at home, with her independence, and she came up with the… actually a suite of skills, but under the brand name Ask Marvee, that helps her to maintain her independence at home through guidance, and so on.

And I think that’s beautiful, and a great example of how to do it. And it could be something as simple as, “I’d like to have more detailed weather.”

And so, of course, somebody came up with the idea of creating a detailed weather skill. So, it starts from the problem, not from the skill. Starts from the problem, and think, “How can I address this problem using voice technology?”

Alright? I hope that helps Waldemar, and I hope that helps anybody else that is thinking about, “How do I get started with these skills, and how do I come up with a great idea?”

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