Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1202

Hello, Teri here with your flash briefing for Friday, and today, I just want to tell you that the days for Prime Day have been announced and those are June 21, and 22nd.

So just a little over two weeks away, for those of you that are not aware Prime Day is this annual event that Amazon puts on and they have incredible deals on hundreds of 1000s of products and it’s sort of equivalent to like a boxing day type sale or that sort of thing.

And typically on prime days, you can score some really, really good deals on all the Alexa devices, all the Echo devices and as well, a lot of the accessories or other pieces of hardware that go or that work with Alexa are typically on sale as well, so smart lights and thermostats and all that sort of great stuff.

keep in mind that you do have to be a Prime member in order to be eligible for these deals

Prime Day 2021 Dates Announced

So prepare for Prime Day now, keep in mind that you do have to be a Prime member in order to be eligible for these deals.

If you want to sign up for prime, you can go to VoiceinCanada.ca/Prime, that’s my affiliate link and already there are some early bird deals as well.

Amazon really turns us into a huge shopping event and they do a lot of good promotion around this but the really, really good deals are going to be on June 21st and 22nd.

So stay tuned for that I will give you more updates as I uncover some of the special pricing particularly on the Echo devices and they will let you know what is up for grabs and those sale prices, alright?

So hope you doing well, have a wonderful day and I’ll talk to you again tomorrow, take care.

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