Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #709

Hey there and welcome to the flash briefing for Tuesday.

As you know, on Tuesdays I like to give a little bit of a preview for what’s going on in the podcast.

And today, I have taken the recent presentation that I gave at Project Voice, all about flash briefing in the roaring twenties.

Yes, I refer to the twenties as the roaring twenties. And, I talk about some of the best tips that I can give you about how we can leverage voice technology as we enter the 2020s regardless of if you have a brand, if you want to strengthen the reputation of your company, if you want to bring awareness to your nonprofit organization.

I talk about how we can leverage voice and flash briefings in the 2020s.

Podcast: Voice in the Roaring 20s

I talk about how we can leverage voice and flash briefings in the 2020s. So, you can check that out.

The other thing I do mention on this podcast is I go into a little bit more detail about the Crack the Code contest and just some of the other statistics behind it, which I think are quite interesting.

And of course, if you didn’t hear the winner announcement yesterday, then I do cover those on the podcast today as well.

So you can access the podcast at AlexainCanada.ca/111 and I hope you will enjoy it.

See you on the podcast, talk to you later.

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3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.

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