Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #548

Hello, hello, and welcome to the flash briefing. Today is Tuesday, which means I give you a little bit of a podcast preview, a little teaser here for what’s going on on the Alexa in Canada podcast.

And today, I have a really cool guest. I’ve got Sarah Andrew Wilson of Matchbox.io on the podcast, chatting with me about their tremendous Alexa success story. What is Matchbox.io?

They are a company that produces some of the top Alexa skills. Skills like Question of the day, Kid’s Quiz, Three Questions, and others.

The amount of money they’ve actually been able to make with their Alexa skill.

Podcast Preview An Alexa Success Story with Matchbox.io

And she comes on the podcast because their results have been truly remarkable. The amount of engagement they’ve had, the amount of money they’ve actually been able to make with their Alexa skill.

It’s quite remarkable and it is not that common these days yet in voice technology.

So if you are interested in hearing about that, make sure to go on over to the podcast, AlexainCanada.ca/90 to hear all the details about all the great stuff that Matchbox.io is doing. We’ll see you over there.

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2. Click on “Add Content” and search for “Voice in Canada”.
3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.

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