Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1416

Hey, hey. How are you doing? Teri here. It is January 4th. It’s the new year obviously.

With the new year comes a lot of New Year’s resolutions for many people. And so, today’s flash briefing is a little bit of a challenge.

And also, I would love to get your feedback on this. I would love to know how you are using Alexa to help you with your New Year’s resolutions.

Let me give you a couple of examples. Some of the most common New Year’s resolutions are to exercise more and lose weight, and/or lose weight.

So how can we do that? Well, there are certain skills that we can enable on Alexa to help us do that.

But also, you could, for example, say “Alexa, remind me to work out” at a particular time every day, or every Tuesday, or every whatever day you want to set it.

Here’s one example. Maybe you want to get more organized.

Some of the most common New Year’s resolutions are to exercise more and lose weight

New Year's Resolutions with Alexa

And so, a way to do that would be to create new lists using the list feature on Alexa. “Alexa, create a new list”

She’ll ask you for the name of that list, you create that list, and then you can add things to the list, and check them off as you complete them.

Maybe you want to learn a new skill or a hobby. There are tons of Alexa skills out there that you can enable to help you do that.

So, again, here’s just a little bit of an example of different ways that you can use Alexa to help you complete your New Year’s resolutions.

So my challenge to you is, what is your New Year’s resolution, and how will you use Alexa to help you achieve that?

And, if you want to share that with me, please feel free to do so on Twitter. I’d love to see that. My Twitter handle is @DrTeriFisher.

I can’t wait to hear from you. Alright. Have fun. Good luck. Happy New Year.

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2. Click on “Add Content” and search for “Voice in Canada”.
3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.

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