Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1047

Well, hey there Teri Fisher here with your flash briefing for New Year’s Eve 2020.

As I mentioned yesterday, I think a lot of people are happy to see 2020 be put to bed and move on with 2021.

Today I want to give you a couple of fun things that you can say to Alexa to help with your New Year’s celebrations.

Number one, you can say of course, “Alexa, Happy New Year”.

You can say here’s a fun one, “Alexa seeing a New Year song” or if you want to be more specific, you could just say, “Alexa, sing Auld Lang Syne” and she has quite a good rendition of this song.

a couple of fun things that you can say to Alexa to help with your New Year’s celebrations

New Years Eve

You can also ask for a new year’s joke and finally, if you ask, Alexa, to count down to New Year, she tells you that at that time, you can ask her to count down.

So if you try it, maybe in the morning, she may or may not yet be ready to count down.

I tried this when I was recording it and she told me to ask her again closer to New Year, so you can give that a shot and see how that goes.

I just want to take this opportunity to thank you Northern voice, the listener, the community for all of your support over this 2020.

It’s been a rough year in so many respects but we got through it and I’m excited for 2021.

I wish you all the best for 2021 I wish you a very happy and a very healthy New Year and I look forward to speaking with you tomorrow, January 1st 2021.

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