Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1111

Hey, hey Teri Fisher here with your flash briefing for Friday and today I want to tell you about a brand new product that Amazon has launched and of course it is compatible with Alexa.

If you’re into looking for a new smart doorbell, one that you can answer through your Alexa devices, you might be interested in this.

There is the brand new Ring Video Doorbell and this one is wired and just we’ll get the pricing out of the way right now.

The doorbell is $79.99 or you can get it with a chime for $104.99 and so what’s different about this doorbell?

Well, this one is now a high definition doorbell, so it’s got 1080p resolution, as well, it has motion detection, two way talking, on demand video.

It’s got motion activated alerts, there’s some video and audio privacy settings that you can choose to have on.

so it’s got 1080p resolution, as well, it has motion detection,

New Ring Video Doorbell

And this one again is hardwired, so there are other ones that if you don’t have the hard wire set up for your home, you can use other models of the doorbell.

But it’s pretty cool and it’s got a pretty slick looking profile comes in sort of a dark charcoal gray color, I think it looks pretty cool.

So if you are in the market for one of those, then I encourage you to check it out.

My affiliate link if you want to use it is VoiceinCanada.ca/RingDoorbell that’ll take you right to that site where you can have a look at it and if you ordered through that link, I do get a small commission.

So thanks very much for that there’s no extra cost to you whatsoever, so again, that’s a VoiceinCanada.ca/RingDoorbell.

Check it out and if you end up picking one up, let me know I’d love to hear what you think of it, alright?

Have a wonderful day and by the way again, we’re on Clubhouse today at 4:30 in The Voice Den, so come join us there if you are able to.

Talk to you there.

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