Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1268

Hey, hey. Teri here. And… today, I want to get back to highlighting some of the features that Amazon recently announced at their Alexa Live event just a couple of weeks ago.

Here’s an interesting one. This one is all about multiplayer games now for Alexa. And, the announcement is that developers are now able to use some particular technology, it’s called the Shared Activities API.

That they can build asynchronous multiplayer challenges so that we can share games with people in different places across different devices. So, in other words, you might make some type of move in a game.

This one is all about multiplayer games now for Alexa

Multiplayer Games on Alexa and How People Can Share Games

And then on the other end, your friend, your family member, who’s playing the game against you, they’ll be notified that you’ve made your move, and now they can make their move.

And you can actually play games back and forth through your voice. So, this is another thing that we can expect to see coming soon to a device near you.

Keep fingers crossed again, as always, that it comes to Canada at the same time as the United States. But that is, I think that’s a very interesting way to get some more engagement with the games aspect of voice tech, and specifically with Alexa in this case.

So there you go. I’ll be looking forward to that and I’ll keep you updated when I hear more. Alright, have a great day and I’ll talk to you soon.

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