Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1293

Hello. Teri here. Alright. So yesterday on the flash briefing we talked about multi-room music. Today let’s cover a slightly different variety of multi-speaker music experiences.

And this one is the home theater experience. So, this allows you to pair a speaker and an optional subwoofer if you have the Echo subwoofer to a Fire TV for a more immersive sound experience.

So, this is how you do it. Again you go in your app. You click on the devices icon in the bottom row of icons. Then you click on the plus sign in the upper right corner.

You click on combined speakers, and then click the second option; home theater. Once you do that, you will see your Fire TV sticks or other compatible devices.

This allows you to pair a speaker and an optional subwoofer

Multi-speaker Music Experiences with Amazon Echo Devices

You click on that. And then once you’ve done that, you are able to then follow the instructions on the screen. They’re pretty self-explanatory.

And this will allow you to select the different Echo devices that you want to have play the audio, the music, when you are watching TV. Pretty cool. A great way to get some surround sound.

So there you go. A fun way to experience your TV with Echo devices. And on Monday, we’ll get back to one more scenario that looks at combining your speakers.

Alright? In the meantime, tomorrow, we will cover some more fun things that you can say to Alexa. Talk to you then

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2. Click on “Add Content” and search for “Voice in Canada”.
3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.

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