Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #942

Hey there, Teri Fisher here with your flash briefing.

If you listen yesterday, you know that we spoke about this car manufacturer, and how they are incorporating Alexa into this luxury electric vehicle.

Well, it seems like everybody is getting on the Alexa/car bandwagon because I came across two more articles today that I just wanted to share with you.

The first one is with regards to Toyota and Toyota says that for their 2021 models and some of their 2020 models, they are including the option for consumers to be able to use Amazon Alexa in their cars.

Additionally, there’s another article that came out that says that the Lexus LX 570, the 2021 model that goes on sale in Canada also is going to be able to be used with Alexa onboard.

if you’re looking at a newer vehicle, you’re going to have an option of having a voice assistant

More Vehicles to include Amazon Alexa

So what does it say? It says that well, everybody’s getting on the bandwagons so to speak.

And if you are interested in voice technology, chances are you are if you’re listening to this flash briefing, and you are in the market for a new car.

More likely than not now, if you’re looking at a newer vehicle, you’re going to have an option of having a voice assistant built-in, which I think is pretty cool.

So if the particular voice system is important to you, Alexa versus Google Assistant, then obviously have a look at those options and I think it’s great for everybody.

Going to make our driving a little more safe, when we can do things by voice as opposed to, you know, trying to fumble with their phones and do that.

There you go, interesting news for you today and I’ll be back to speak with you again tomorrow.

Have a wonderful day, talk to you soon.

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