Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1271

Hey, hey. Teri Fisher here. So alright. Let’s get into another one of these announcements from the Alexa Live event.

Now I have to admit this one, I’m not so sure that it’s going to be coming to Canada as soon as the United States simply because this is based on locations.

And those features seem to take a little bit longer to come to Canada. Nevertheless, I want to tell you about it because I think it’s pretty interesting.

It’s all about more proactive experiences. And, this is the description that Amazon puts out for this.

It says, “Using event-based triggers, and proactive suggestions, developers can build proactive experiences for customers.”

So for example, if someone is heading out to work, the customers could opt-in to have a skill proactively suggest that they lock their home.

This is one of the really interesting things about voice technology

More Proactive Experiences

Or if someone begins a morning run, a skill could proactively suggest a playlist to listen to. And they give an example here, they say, “Whole Foods is also using these features for a curbside pickup experience that will launch later this year.

Now, again, I’m assuming this is going to be in the United States first, unfortunately, I don’t know when it’s coming to Canada, but I think, you know, this is one of the really interesting things about voice technology in my mind, is when it can become proactive and really be a personal assistant proactively.

That’s the keyword. So, I will definitely keep you updated on what I hear with regards to any of these features coming to Canada.

For now, I know that they….. Amazon is working on this. And typically it is just a matter of time till those features come here as well.

So there you go. And I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Take care

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