Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1041

Hello and Merry Christmas, it is December 25.

Teri here and I want to wish you all the best if you are celebrating today, hope you have a wonderful wonderful day and you had a wonderful Christmas Eve.

Today to make things a little bit more merry for you, I want to share a couple of special commands and so let’s get right to it.

You can say to Alexa today, “Alexa, Merry Christmas”, you can say, “Alexa, tell me a Christmas joke.

And you can say here’s probably one of my favorites, “Alexa, sing me A Christmas Carol”, and you can do that a couple times, she’s got a whole repertoire of different Christmas carols.

tomorrow is Boxing Day as well and I’ll have a flash briefing specifically about a lot of the Boxing Day deals

Merry Christmas 2020

So there you go, I hope you’re having a wonderful wonderful day, wonderful holiday.

And remember tomorrow is Boxing Day as well and I’ll have a flash briefing specifically about a lot of the Boxing Day deals that are on Amazon tomorrow, there’s some good ones.

If you want to use my affiliate link for that then you can just use VoiceinCanada.ca/BoxingDay and it’ll take you right there.

Again, have a wonderful day, wish you all the best of the season.

Hope you are doing well, hope you are healthy, and have a great day.

I will talk to you again tomorrow.

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2. Click on “Add Content” and search for “Voice in Canada”.
3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.

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