Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1033

Hey there, Teri here, hope you’re doing well, it’s Thursday.

Last night was The Voice Den it was fantastic, we had a whole bunch of great voicefluencers on there with a wonderful community to well say goodbye to 2020 as far as The Voice Den goes.

And I hope that you’ll join us in 2021, you can check out TheVoiceDen.com.

Today, I want to tell you about a quick little tip about listening to podcasts on your Alexa devices.

And you can also actually listen to a flash briefing this way as well, if a flash briefing is also being produced as a podcast, for an example, my Voice in Canada brief cast or flash briefing is actually on Spotify.

And you can also ask things like the latest episode, or play the last episode

Listen to Podcasts on Spotify with your Voice

So if you go to Alexa and you say, “Alexa, play the Voice in Canada brief cast on Spotify”, it will play it.

And you can also ask things like the latest episode, or play the last episode, or fast forward 30 seconds and those sorts of things.

Now, this becomes particularly interesting if there are other podcasts that you want to listen to that are on Spotify, it’s a really, really easy way to do it.

So again, that key command is just, Alexa play name of the podcast episode on Spotify and you are good to go.

I hope that is helpful to you, hope you’re having a wonderful day and I will talk to you again tomorrow.

Take care.

Listen on your Echo Device! Easy as 1-2-3!

Voice in Canada Flash Briefing Icon1. Open your Alexa app and click on the Menu button > Settings > Flash Briefing.
2. Click on “Add Content” and search for “Voice in Canada”.
3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.

Alexa, what are my flash briefings?

Alexa, what’s in the news?

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