Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1230

Hello, hello Teri here with your flash briefing, happy Friday.

Well, here is another product that has just come out, or at least has been announced to be released, this is the LG Flagship InstaView Slide-in Ranges.

So yes, your oven, your stove now has Alexa built in, this is being touted as a very high tech way to cook your food.

It says that it can be controlled with a mobile app, and I’ll just quote this part from the news release.

your oven, your stove now has Alexa built in, this is being touted as a very high tech way to cook your food

LG Electric Range with Alexa

“Using the range is more convenient than ever and helps consumers get things done quickly and conveniently monitor and adjust cook times remotely with a smartphone or operate the oven range with voice commands using Amazon Alexa”.

There you go, so if you want to pick up one of these again, the name of this is the LG ProBake Convection InstaView Electric Slide-in Range, that’s a mouthful, but the model numbers LSEL6337F.

Alright, hope you have a wonderful Friday and I’ll talk to you again tomorrow, take care.

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