Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1181

Hey, hey Teri here with your flash briefing for Friday and today, let’s talk dishwashers.

Yes, dishwashers, have you ever found yourself looking at your dishwasher and looking at all those buttons and wondering Oh, I wish there was an easier way to do this.

Well guess what? LG is now expanding their dishwasher line with something known as true steam technology, and why am I mentioning this here on this flash briefing?

Is because the dishwashers they are smart dishwashers, they are Wi Fi enabled, and yes, of course, they will answer to Amazon Alexa commands as well as Google Assistant commands.

you can operate the dishwasher with voice commands compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant.

LG Dishwashers with Alexa

So you will receive notifications when a cycle is complete and simply you can operate the dishwasher with voice commands compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant.

So if you are interested in having the latest smartest dishwasher, then you can check these out the LG ThinQ enabled quad wash dishwashers with true steam technology.

Wow, there you go, you will have the cleanest dishes just by using your voice, check it out, alright?

I’m Teri Fisher, you have fun with this last briefing, this is all true and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

Take care

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