Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1076

Hey, hey Teri here with your flash briefing for Friday, hope you’re doing well.

I am a day late with this, but I wanted to share it with you anyway because it is tremendously important information.

Yesterday on January 28, it was international privacy day, data privacy day.

And I wanted to share with you an email that Amazon had circulated about ways that you can protect your data with Alexa.

And like I said, ideally, I would have shared this yesterday, but no worries, we’re here today and I want to show you some commands that you can say to Alexa to learn a little bit more how Amazon is protecting your privacy.

commands that you can use to have control over your data

International Data Privacy Day

So I’ve got four different commands that you can say number one, you can say, “Alexa, how do you protect my privacy?” and that will tell you a little bit of an overview of what Amazon is doing to do that.

You can say, “Alexa, why did you do that?” if you’re not sure why she said something or did something.

You can say, “Alexa, how do I delete my voice recordings?” if you do want to erase them from the system.

You can also say, “Alexa, how do I turn off the microphone”, and so those are four different commands that you can use to have control over your data and help to protect your privacy.

So there you go, you can explore those options and I hope that is helpful for you.

Have a wonderful Friday, I’ll talk to you again tomorrow.

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